Does my pet get fed?

    When we collect your pet, we will bring them home and get them settled in and comfortable. After lots of cuddles and love, we will give them breakfast/lunch/dinner as per owners instructions. If they have an early morning flight, your pet will be given dinner the night before. We will not give them a meal just prior to travel to ensure they are as comfortable as possible and to avoid any unnecessary ‘mess’ from motion sickness or accidents in the travel crate.

    Water and food during flight

    Your pets sky crate will be equipped with a water dish and funnel attached to the door. This ensures that they have fresh clean drinking water throughout the duration of the flight to their destination. The outer funnel is for easy top up of water if your pet is on a stop over by friendly cargo staff. No food is permitted in your pets crate during flight. This is to ensure your pet travels as safely and comfortably as possible.

    What if my pet soils in the crate?

    When you have to go, you have to go! There is no stopping nature, but we can make it a bit more comfortable. All our CLD ‘passengers’ will travel with absorbent material in the bottom of their crate, and our international flights go out with what we call a ‘stay dry fleece’ which is an ultra thick blanket that absorbs all moisture and draws it to the bottom of the crate, leave the top warm and dry for the ultimate comfort of your pet for the remainder of their flight.

    Should I sedate my pet?

    No! Your pet need to be fully conscious and aware of what’s going on during the travel process to ensure body temperature regulation and hydration during the flight. Our travel crates are personally suited to your pet to ensure total comfort and sense of security. We understand that some pets can be particularly nervous and if this is the case, we would recommend Adaptil for dogs, and Feloway for cats. Your CLD agent can arrange this for you and your pet.

    My pet requires medication

    The team at CLD are experienced in administering simple medication and are happy to do so whilst your animal is in our care. However if your animal requires regular treatment and is going on a long-haul flight, we would recommend that you speak to your trusted vet regarding a treatment plan for your pets travels.