Sizing Your Pet

Sizing your pet is one of the most important aspects of your pet’s adventure, so it is very important to be able to measure them correctly. This ensures they will be fitted with the correct size Travel Crate, making them safe and comfortable for their journey ahead.

Your pet must be able to sit, stand in their natural position, turn around and lay down comfortably when inside the IATA-approved carrier.

The easiest way to measure your pet is to stand them against a wall, using a chalk mark on the wall the top of the head and the shoulder height and then the nose to the base of the tail as demonstrated in the below graphic.

Once you have these 4 measurements, we can assign a travel crate that will provide the most comfort and safety to your loved one during their travels

Struggling to size your pet or have any questions? Get in touch and we will be more than happy to help!